M-17 (NGC-6618) H-II Region in Sagittarius
Sharpless 2-308 Reflection nebula in Canis Major
M-97 (NGC-3587) A large planetary nebula in Ursa Major
NGC-7635, The Bubble Nebula in Cassiopiea
NGC-7000, North American Nebula
NGC-1977, The "Running Man" nebula in Orion
M-8 & M-20, Lagoon & Trifid Nebulae
M-16 (NGC_6611) in Serpens, The Eagle Nebula
M-42 (NGC-1976) commonly called "The Great Nebula" in the constellation of Orion
NGC-7000, The "North American Nebula" in Cygnus
NGC-2359, "Thor's Helmet" nebula in Canis Major
NGC-2244, The Rosette Nebula in Monoceros