Image of the Month
Virgo Galaxy Cluster
Virgo Galaxy Cluster
The Virgo Galaxy Cluster: This immense grouping of galaxies of all types is located midway between the stars Denebola (Beta Leonis, the tail of Leo the Lion) and Vindemiatrix (Epsilon Virginis). This large cluster contains over 1300 galaxies, and lies at a mean distance of 65 million years from Earth. It is over 14 million light years in diameter. The center of the cluster is anchored by the massive elliptical galaxy M-87, which appears at the lower right hand corner of this image. The other prominent members shown are M-84 and M-86, part of the diagonal line of galaxies at the center of the image. This line of galaxies is often called "Markarian's Chain" after its discoverer.
This image, acquired on May 17, 2018, is a 1 hour integration of 6 minute exposures through the Celestron C-11 at f/2, using the HyperStar III imaging system and the ZWO ASI 071MC color CMOS camera, operating at -5 degrees below ambient temperature and binned 1 X 1. Guided, captured and combined using Maxim DL5 Pro. Post processed using PhotoShop CS2, Gradient XTerminator, StarShrink, Carboni's Astro Tools and NoiseWare.