Image of the Month
M-110 (NGC-205)
M-110 (NGC-205) Elliptical galaxy in Andromeda

M-110 (NGC-205) is a large Type E-5 Elliptical galaxy located in the constellation of Andromeda. It lies just 25 arc minutes to the NE of M-31, the Andromeda Galaxy, and is easily seen in the same field with amateur telescopes. It was never officially logged or cataloged by Charles Messier, but was added to his catalog in the 20th century, due to the fact that he mentioned it and also published drawings of M-31 which showed M-110 in the same field.
This image, acquired on October 17, 2017, is a 1 hour integration of 6 minute exposures through the Celestron C-11 at f/2, using the HyperStar III imaging system and the ZWO ASI 071MC color CMOS camera, operating at -10 degrees below ambient temperature and binned 1 X 1. Guided, captured and combined using Maxim DL5 Pro. Post processed using PhotoShop CS2, Gradient XTerminator, StarShrink, Carboni's Astro Tools and NoiseWare.