Image of the Month
NGC-7479 Barred Spiral Galaxy

NGC-7479 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Pegasus. It is easily located, being just 3.5 degrees south of the 1st magnitude star Markab (Alpha Pegasii). It lies 105 million light years from Earth and is 120,000 light years in diameter. It was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1784.
This image is a 1 hour and 15 minute integration of 3 minute exposures through the Celestron C-11 at f/6.3
using the Starizona .63X Reducer/Corrector III and the ZWO 2600MC Pro CMOS color camera, operating at -15 degrees below ambient temperature and binned 1 X 1. Guided, captured and combined using
Maxim DL5 Pro. Post processed using PhotoShop CS2, Gradient XTerminator, StarShrink, Carboni's Astro Tools and NoiseWare.